career counselling

How important is career counselling for students?

career counselling importance for students
What is the importance of career counselling


What is Career Counselling ? Is there a need for students today to conduct one?

Well, deciding what career or what degree to opt for, remains a question mark for many students.

According to a recent survey in 2020 done by Mindler, an online career-counselling platform, has proved that the majority of Indian students are aware of just seven career paths, despite the fact that there are 250 career options that can be pursued in India (most new and in-demand).

The Career Counselling for Students is beneficial as it helps them understand the career options that they have, and how to pursue them. It enables them to identify their own strengths and weaknesses, and lets them know what career they would be suited for.

To help you explore more in-depth, this article will precisely get you covered with:

Why is Career Counselling Important for Students?

Lets start !!

career counselling importance
What is the importance of career counselling

Career counselling is a process that emphasizes on assisting students realize one’s self, as well as work trends, to make an informed decision about their career and education.

What’s the importance of Career Counselling for students?

Generally, the right time for candidates to seek career counselling or the importance of career counselling for students is within the age group between 13-17 years (Grade 8th to Grade 12th). It is a time when several changes takes place in their life, both emotional and physical, like:

Career counseling can help a student determine the type of careers he/she should pursue.

career counselling for students
List of career counselling sites for students

List of sites on online career counselling for students

There are plenty of websites that offer online career counselling for students and professionals to help them realize their true potential. For now, let’s know the best career counselling websites in india that helps students shape their career path and provide assistance in making an informed career decision.








Having questions such as, “How do I choose a career?”  Get free online career counselling for students one-to-one @ MyCareerBuddha

Why do students face with lack of career option awareness problems?

Choosing a career can prove to be daunting, however it can be resolved if you avoid these reasons while choosing a career.

  • that there exists only one perfect career
  • about needed skills, values and interests can cause problems when trying to choose a career
  • reference to attaining specific levels or types of education
  • with parental pressure and demotivation
career counselor
how can career counselling help students

How can career counselling help students?

Here are seven ways in which career counselling assists students (importance of career counselling for students in future). They are as follows:

Career Counsellors are experts at assessing your aptitude, interests, personality, and other aspects of you. They use this evaluation to recommend the best career alternatives from all the obtainable and relevant options.

  • Career Counselling offers access to the resources and knowledge that a career expert has. This knowledge of Careers, their scope and the paths to pursue them are most significant from the opinion of a parent and child, since most of the times, guardians or parents do not have that kind of knowledge.
  • Career Counselling helps a counselee know the barriers in his/her career path. This knowledge helps to build the confidence to overcome these barriers. It is the duty of a good counsellor to deliver such confidence and insight to the counselee.
  • Students and professionals have habits that are difficult to break, like procrastinating, not keeping updated on the latest developments in their selected career paths, not trying to self-motivate, neglecting emotional and mental health, etc. A Career Counsellor assists to break such patterns of behavior that result in unproductive activities, both at home and in school/college/work.
  • Selecting a career can be a demanding task for both children and parents. A lack of any source of venting out thoughts and emotions may add to the existing frustration. Career Counselling offers a platform where such frustrations can be decreased, and focus is re-directed to choosing the best career options.
  • Career Counselling helps students get in touch with experts who have enough life experiences to share. They are role models who have achieved much, and assisted people in their life. This is why Career Counselling can serve as a motivation to those who need it.
  • Career Counsellors can help you stay calm when it comes to taking a career decision. Counselling helps bring about focus, and maintain throughout that focus in our activities. Through proper planning and scheduling, they try and make your life more organized.
Career counselling for students
four things your career counselling must consider while assessment

Takeaway: Four Things Your Career Counselling Must Consider While Assessment

The career counselling process specifically for the students of class 8th to 12th is mandatory. When undergoing it these are the following things your career counselling assessment should take into consideration:

One of the foremost advantages linked with career counseling pertains to allowing the students to take stock of their capabilities and talents. It helps them to understand their fortes so that they are capable to work upon it better in order to improve it further.

The counselling of career sessions aid the students in knowing the pros and cons of various streams, courses, and educational options, along with the career paths on offer, and thus, the students can make an informed decision. The career assessment that they thus get assists them in evading the risk of change in career path afterward in their lives.

It is not just about getting a job done correctly but also being satisfied in making it reach the end. When an individual is unhappy about his/her chosen career path, things such as agony and frustration are bound to follow. A job that is attuned to the expectations and skills makes sure that they are happy and satisfied in providing the results expected from them.

Organizing and assessing the ideas and thoughts of a person, thereby, helping the person to attain greater success in the chosen career path, that’s what career counselling assists you with. Besides, the boost in morale and confidence brought forth when involved in the right career, career counseling also helps in making sure that an individual can give his/her hundred percent in the profession.

Are you searching for free online career counselling for students in india? Book now an appointment with our career counselling expert – Mrs. Surekha Bhosale

Even if as a student you’ve no idea about what your passions are and what you need to do in life, then that is absolutely fine. In this online career counselling for students, you will discover where your passion truly belongs as the free online career counselling for students consists of:

The first step is a psychometric test, on the basis of which your career discovery report is made. Mrs. Surekha Bhosale uses a unique 5 dimensional framework to test your personality, aptitude, interest, emotional quotient and orientation style. These factors judge characteristics like what drives you, what makes you unique, what are your strengths and what fascinates you. Once the report is produced, your top 5 career suggestions are generated.

Although the assessments and tests deliver crucial knowledge, the expertise of actual career counsellors is irreplaceable. This brings in the personalized element to the journey of counselling.  At this stage of the Career Counselling, you will be explained the results of your assessment by our experienced career counsellor- Mrs. Surekha Bhosale who will help you in identifying your key career goals. This is the best time to discuss your dreams and hopes for your career, and to find which career path you must take.

Once the testing and counselling is over and you have career goal in mind, the career counselling then focuses on planning what steps you need to take to achieve your career goals. Having an actionable plan and also a backup plan in place can assist you to materialize your goals. Whether you want to study locally, in another city or even go abroad, at the planning and preparation stage Mrs. Surekha Bhosale will help you understand how you can successfully reach your dream career.

In Short:

Career counselling is a vital factor for determining the real potential and guiding students towards the right career path. Students need to understand the career counselling significance before they select an academic stream after taking the board exams. Career counselling will be helpful in planning, selecting a career goal and providing a direction to students for a better future ahead.

career counselling
Are you having issues in making the preferred career choice

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